This is a list of words and phrases whose widespread misuse in fancy writing irks me. By “fancy writing”, I mean the kind of writing where we should expect clarity, precision, and perhaps a higher degree of formality than in everyday writing. So fancy writing includes academic writing, journalism, and ideally political speech, though I suspect that ship has long sailed. In some other kinds of writing, it matters rather less whether words are used aright. If you think this is all objectionable prescriptivism, I do have things to say about that, and one day I’ll type them up so you can nuance your objections.
As such
Means: in virtue of the quality just identified.
Doesn’t mean: thus, so, therefore, etc.
Means: not joined up, haphazard.
Doesn’t mean: miserable, gloomy, sad.
Means: touching, emotional, redolent with feeling.
Doesn’t mean: significant, telling, momentous.
Means: prominent, standing out.
Doesn’t mean: relevant.